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How do I comply with the Canada’s anti-spam legislation?

Introduction #

When you send a communication for commercial purposes, you must ensure that you comply with the anti-spam law of the country where the recipient is located. As far as Canadian law is concerned, it stipulates that to send a marketing communication to someone, whether it’s an email, a private message on social media, or a text message (SMS), you must first obtain their consent.

There are 2 types of consent (in CentrixOne CRM, you can manage them via CASL permissions):

  1. Express
    • This means that the person authorizes you (verbally or in writing) to send them this type of communication until they decide to withdraw their consent.
  2. Implied
    • This means that you have a business relationship with the person (purchase, rental, donation, request for information, member or volunteer of your organization, etc.), which gives you the right to send them this type of communication for a period of 6 months to 2 years, depending on the situation.

When sending a promotional email, you must include the following information:

  1. A clearly visible, functional and easy-to-use unsubscribe link
  2. Name of your company, association or organization
  3. Name of the person sending the email (the sender)
  4. Street address
  5. Telephone number

Click here for more information on the Canada’s anti-spam legislation.

How do I add a CASL permission? #

  1. Click on the Contacts module
  2. Click on the appropriate contact to access their card
  3. In the Activity section, click on CASL permissions
  4. Click on the + add permission button
  5. Enter the information (make sure it’s correct, as you can’t modify or delete this type of permission once it’s been added, to maintain authenticity in the permission history)
  6. Click on Add

How do I target promotional emails to contacts with a valid CASL permission? #

  1. Click on the Emails module
  2. Create your email or click on your draft
  3. In the Choose criteria step, check the CASL box to filter the list by this criterion
  4. Check either Select all contacts on this page or Select all contacts from all pages as required

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