List of sellers (representatives):
- Number
- Full name
(Important: the list of sellers is synchronized in one-way mode. This means that you must always use Acomba to create a new seller.)
Customer records:
- Name (company)
- Full address
- Website
- In care of (primary contact)
- Telephone, fax and mobile phone
- Primary email address
(Note that the following information is displayed in the profiling fields of the account card in CentrixOne. This information is synchronized in one-directional mode only. This means that you must go through Acomba to modify the values associated with these fields.)
Important: The following information comes only from the Acomba customer file. So if you add a value in the territory field in an Acomba order, but no value in the territory field in the Acomba customer file, then no value for this field will be synchronized in CentrixOne.
- Price list
- Payment terms
- Customer number
- Discount (customer discount)
- Territory
Quotes, Orders and Invoices:
(Note that these documents become opportunities in CentrixOne.)
- Title (represents the number of the quote, order or invoice as applicable)
- Opportunity levels (varies according to the document: quote=40%, order and open order=90%, invoice=100%)
- Product groups
- Product codes and their description
- Quantity
- Unit price
- Shipping costs
- Discount (customer discount)
- Total (before taxes)
(Important: Opportunities are synchronized in one-way mode. This means that you must use Acomba to modify the information associated with your quotes, orders and invoices.)